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Thanks to all those who have taken the time to write to us. With your encouragement, we will continue to develop our line of high quality software products and we look forward to offering you new releases in the coming months. If you wish to offer your personal thoughts on our software products, please visit our online contact form.

"I’ve been using NetInfo for years now and it is my most versatile and trusted tool I use daily. Love it."
Chris Robson

"I am just a student with a project on network tools. I ran it for a couple of days now I'm checking out other programs but I found your product A + and would recommend to any network administrator and might be back in the future to purchase full program."
Richard Doyen

"As an industry professional, I wanted to comment on very well written program for those of us who come up on the side of wanting or needing to know where and who, and what is going on. I'm sure to register this program. Super!!!"
Rich Patrick

"Thank you so very much for your prompt attention to my request. I researched for quite sometime to find the right set of tools and I found them at Tsarfin Computing. NetInfo is a great program. It meets my every need even getting through my firewall."
Wayne A. Glass

"Great software interface and very useful when it counts."
Paul Barnett

"This is a Swiss Army knife-type tool kit and among its features, it can retrieve content from a URL and display the HTTP header and the "raw" (uninterpreted) content."
Mark Gibbs, Network World Columnist

"I think NetInfo is great. I use it daily to fine-tune security aspects of our network as well as a diagnostic tool. I also use the IPMonitor program to keep critical dialups online and test ISP and client server availability."
Steve Gable

"Yah I just wanted to thank you for the awesome tools you have supplied. I was able to use your software to track down a hacker and I'm in the process right now of actually grabbing him/her with the help of the local authorities."
Jason Sani

"I really like the program because it is so screen reader friendly; I have recommended it to other blind internet users. It is easy to use. Yesterday we had a major net outage, and NetInfo saved me from a lot of problems. Thanks again for such a good package of net tools."
Walter Gibbons

"Finally someone decided to make a net information product that gives a Network Administrator like myself useable information, and not just mumbo jumbo that we don't need. Keep up the good work."
Dirk Antoine

"I love your program. Although I don't know a ton about TCP/IP and networking in general, I find it really fun to mess around with."
Ryan T

"I've got zonealarm from which does a great job of letting me know someone is trying to hack my computer. Yesterday some kid in the midwest tried to enter a port and I traced it back and sent him a reply. He wrote back saying he was just curious and didn't mean any harm, but was shocked that within seconds he had been found out...look out kid's, Daddy's got a new tool...THANK YOU NETINFO!"
David Surface

"I am a network analyst for my company and this product of yours is great. We have over 300 sites that connect into our corporate HQ and thanks to you you have made my job a lot easier as well as my fellow TAC analysts."
Robert C. Davidoff

"Awesome program! Tracks & gives reports like no other software!"
Frank Navarro

"Your NetInfo program is the best IP info program I have come across ever."
Andrew Bottorff

"I like your NetInfo product very much. I am finding it useful in an inventory project that I am working on here at Ames."
Andrew Kjell Nielsen

"As a longstanding user, I didn't wait one minute, and immediately sent my registration and payment data, for the ridiculous amount of $15. I would gladly have paid 4 times as much. This wonderful application has allowed me to find spammers, hate mailers, porno promoters, all so easily that makes me happy every time I use the program. Thank you for a wonderful product."
Haim Guivon

"Thanks for a great tool! I'm working for Domain Technology, a domain name registrator. We're about ten people that use NetInfo daily. A great advantage is that you can do so many different things from one single program!"
Peter Sidenbladh

"NetInfo is really really cool!!! I trace the IP's of my friends and tell them from where they get their Internet connection. Its awesome!! And I have even successfully traced down ppl who have tried to hack my computer."
Sachin Mehta

"As a net / security engineer I think NetInfo is one of the best applications available - I use it all the time when trouble shooting or tracking down a "script kiddy" who's trying to get into my network."
John Kimbler

"Excellent software. Its *really* useful for checking the state of our local LAN, our intranet, as well as 'Net connectivity."
Govind Menon

"I'm so delighted to meet the network information provider I'm seeking."
Sangsun Yi

"This product has proven its networth within the first 5 minutes. It located an IP clash in house and we fixed it up."
Tony Stapleton

"WOW!... Very nice to find someone thinks like us long forgotten Sys/Net Admins looking for a quick way to find what's up, without having to resort to messy perl scripts to find the answer. VERY NICE! Keep up the Good Work!"
Jose Contreras

"I believe that this is one of the best programs of the gender than I already had the opportunity to know. The program is a powerful tool in the people's hands that work with nets."

"Great utility! It's really helped me debug a problem I've been having with Wingate proxy software."
Stephen Hayward

"I suffered a minor crash, so I am reinstalling all my Internet Tools. NetInfo is one of them. Thanks."
Colin Matlack

"I am a big fan of NetInfo. It is a great product. I especially find the ability to search for Internet sites using the scanner."
Joe Turgeon

"Thank you for the download from NetInfo. It's a fine small tool for the working in the net."
Bernd Schleichert

"Thank you for your product it will allow us to find which IP addresses have been assigned. We had a database failure and lost all our IP addresses."
Allen Watson

"Your NetInfo is a great tool, and helps me track down ip addresses!"
Eva Faile

"I have been using NetInfo for a day or so now and find it quite useful. I am a non UNIX person working for Sentex Communications a regional ISP in South Western Ontario, Canada. NetInfo is great for people like me! The graphical layout of host is excellent. Of all the small Internet utilities I have seen this is certainly one of the best. I will encourage everyone I know to use it."
John A. Robb

"I think this is phenomenal; I do heavy Internet usage (running stuff online, etc.), and this saves a lot of time - no longer always having to telnet into a shell... And the graphic display of the host layout is great."
Alan Sondheim