Displays system IP addresses and MAC addresses.
Displays all local TCP/IP connections and their foreign connection IP address.
Allows you to quickly verify network connectivity to another IP address on the network.
Displays a list of routers between your system and the destination system.
Allows you to perform DNS forward and reverse lookup queries.
Displays information about users currently logged on to a specified server.
Allows you to query contact information for domains registered with a Whois server.
Displays the local time of day for any remote host specified.
Allows you to query the time value from a remote time server and synchronize the time value with your local system clock.
Allows you to view quotations from a remote Quote server.
Displays the HTML header code for any Web page address specified.
Scans for host names for a particular range of IP addresses and displays the state of each IP address in the range.
Lists the available network services (HTTP, Telnet, DNS, SMTP, and so on) for a particular host.
Allows you to verify any e-mail address by simply entering a full user principal name (user@domain.com).
Displays available online tools, how-tos, tips, and news.
Displays available online tools, how-tos, tips, and news.
Tests a web page or CGI by retrieving the actual page.
Compares your connection to DSL, Cable modems, and more.